Example course diesel engines for power plants
Course program (one week, 40 hours)Day one:
The history of diesel engines 1880-2016
- The Diesel principle
- Two stroke and four stroke
- The modern diesel engine
- The fuel systems
- Air/fuel ratio, lambda
- Turbo-charging
- Direct and indirect injection
- Stationary power production
Day two:
The components of diesel engines
- Lubricating system
- Cooling system
- Fuel systems
- Materials for diesel engines
- Examples of diesel engines
- Manufacturers
- Test 1
Day three:
The process in the diesel engine
- Combustion
- The engine formula
- Mean Effective Pressure
- Temperatures in a diesel engine
- The Sankey diagram
- Data of a modern diesel engine
Day four:
Diesel fuels
- Heavy-fuel treatment
- Precautions with heavy fuel
- Emissions technology
- Crosshead engines
- Power plant configuration
- Test 2
Day five:
Operation of diesel engines
- Trouble-shooting
- Maintenance and repairs
- Results and explanation test, 1 and 2
- Evaluation
- Certification
Example course steam turbines
Course program (one week, 40 hours)Day one:
The history of steam turbines 1850-2016
- Principles
- Laval, Zoelly and Curtis turbine
- The Parsons turbine
- Combinations of systems
- Steam pressure and temperature
- The turbine formula
- The Mollier diagram
Day two:
T-S, H-S and log p-H diagram (Mollier)
- The components of a steam turbine
- Auxiliary systems
- Blades, shapes, construction
- Materials for steam turbine components
- Test 1
Day three:
The steam process in the different diagrams
- Examples of modern steam turbines
- Power plants
- Efficiency
- The S.T.A.G. combination
Day four:
Power settings
- Steam pressure and steam temperature
- Back pressure and condenser systems
- Regenerating systems
- Diabolo turbines
- Test 2
Day five:
Operation of steam turbines
- Trouble-shooting
- Maintenance and repairs
- Results and explanation test, 1 and 2
- Evaluation
- Certification